Monday, December 31, 2012

Holiday Highlights

Howard and Esther Long (Jim's parents) are en route to JFK Airport as I type.  Their visit was much anticipated, very much appreciated and way too short!  Some highlights from their time with us:  treating Esther to a cream bath, which is a hair moisturizing, scalp massage.  I asked her how she enjoyed it, and she responded "that was awful...I kept praying she wouldn't go near my temples again!"  Her scalp had sore spots for days and we all laughed about it for days!  We showed them around the church and took them to our favorite mall for groceries.  Howard got a chance to preach in morning chapel and to share about his Truck Stop Ministry.
The Second week of their visit, we set out for Bali!  Just making our flight and enduring a harrowing nighttime car ride through the mountain pass to the north shores of Bali, added to the now growing thought that I might be an agent of torture!  When we awoke at Lilin Lovina Beach Resort, we felt it had all been worth it.  I mention the resort by name, because I want everyone to go vacation there.  It was marvelous!  The view of the ocean from our villa was beautiful and the breakfasts served every morning on our verandah were simply scrumptious.  We were pampered in every way for three days.
Now, in case you were thinking that I would never purposely torture my in-laws, you would be wrong.  On George's birthday, I "porpoisely" took us all on the adventure of a lifetime...we went dolphin watching!  Seriously, I didn't realize that the boat was about a foot wide with planks resting (not nailed in) over the top of it with bamboo outriggers to keep us from tipping over in the waves.  An hour out, putting along with a strained motor, and we were joined with the other dolphin watchers that early morning.  I prayed the entire time for safety, long-suffering and that we would actually see some dolphins!!  And then it happened, the other boats had gone on a chase the other direction and we sat by ourselves as the sea grew calm.  You guessed it... a school of dolphins surfaced and one did a flip on his tail - a birthday flip for George!  We watched and wondered as these gentle, playful creatures of the ocean enjoyed their morning frolic.  I tried to get pictures, but realized that I should put the camera away and enjoy the moment. (I was also scared that I would drop my camera into the water or that Della would slip off my lap into the deep blue as I was trying to capture our experience on film.)  Here are my two best pictures:
We arrived back on shore safe and sound, but with shaky legs and sore behinds!  Later that day we saw a waterspout and a gorgeous lightning show over the ocean that night...very cool.  Our trip ended and we flew back to Jakarta and the dreaded traffic.
Christmas preparations ensued and soon Christmas Eve was upon us.  We attended a service with five thousand people and Dr. Tong honored Howard by inviting him to give the Benediction.  Midnight was heralded in around our Christmas Tree together with new friends singing "Joy to the World!"  What memories for our first Christmas in Indonesia.
The holiday week ended with a couple of day trips to the mountains of Bogor to visit a fruit farm, botanical garden, safari and a beautiful villa.
The kids cried as Grandma and Pop Pop left for the airport, but I soon distracted them with watching fireworks out our window.  We live on the 22nd floor and have the most amazing view of Jakarta.  Fireworks are not illegal here and so everyone sets them off...all night long.  Not the little sparklers, but huge, beautiful rockets.  I stood alone at the window at 11:55pm and for the next five minutes beheld the most amazing sight.  Flashes of color sprayed across the sky above the city dazzling the mind and eye.  2013 was here and I was thankful that I got to spend it perched at my window in Jakarta.
May your 2013 be blessed with Love and Light!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Countdown to Christmas

First artificial tree and Anna just decided that it doesn't seem like Christmas because the house doesn't have that pine tree smell. 
The stockings are hung over the bathroom door with care.  Questions abound about how Santa is going to get in to fill the stockings! 
Started Advent Scripture Chain and the kids are remembering the chocolate filled calendars they used to open each day as they anticipated the 25th.
Loved looking at Christmas lights around Millbrook.  Hoping that the glow of the city lights of Jakarta will manage to be an acceptable substitute.
Made my first batch of cookies for our Annual Christmas Eve Cookies and Punch.  Anna will not let this tradition die!

In the midst of missing our fireplace, snow, pets, loved ones, etc... I found a moment of true focus on the season.  Thanks to the internet, I was singing along to "Here With Us"
"Hallelujah, Hallelujah!  Heaven's Love reaching down to save the world.  Son of God, Servant King, here with us."  I had a blessed moment of peace and joy.  And as I was choking back tears of thankfulness, with a heart overflowing, Anna tapped me on the shoulder.  I looked up to see Della singing away with her eyes closed, head swaying and her face tipped to heaven.
 Christ is more than a tradition.  He is our Christmas, our Hope of Eternity, our all.  The trappings of Christmas are fun and special and sweet, but nothing to remember in light of His Birth, Death and Resurrection!