Thursday, May 30, 2013

Back in Jakarta again...

We made it!  Two 25 hour flights around the world in 30 days.  Sounds like the makings of a movie to me!  :-)  The kids were great and everything went very smoothly.  It is just this terrible jet lag.  Everyone finally had a full night's sleep last night, except Jim.  So he has been sleeping since for 4pm this afternoon.  I am trying to keep awake so that I can use this quiet time to write to you.  A glass of Pepsi and some "do-si-dos", curtesy of the Girl Scouts, (yes, I stocked up while I was home) are helping to do the trick!

Trying to get back in the swing of things and I had almost forgotten how the simplest tasks are just more complicated here.  Our friend, Tim, calls this the "Land of Almost Right."  Bought a MagicJack and can't seem to get that to work.  There is always some mix up with the dry cleaning and I can't speak the language well enough to right it on my own.  A ten minute ride home from the grocery store today took two hours!  I could go on, but I will stop and look at the brighter side of things...

Anna and I had two hours together in the car because of the traffic.  Anna reviewed the 50 United States in alphabetical order and was quizzed on the times tables.   She then talked incessantly about the possibility of going to summer camp with her cousin next summer.  Oh, the questions she asked! "Mom, will I be able to chew gum?"; "Do I have to wear my hair up?"; "What happens if the lights are still on after 'lights out'?"; "Where will we go to church?" On and on and on and on and on for two hours!!!!  She worked herself up into a frenzy and hopefully it will work out for her to go.  This is why I normally choose not to tell the kids our plans ahead of time.

Mary and Della will be flower girls tomorrow and are in for a very full day.  They arrive for ceremony at 9:30am, drive to hotel downtown for hair and make-up to be picture ready for the portrait session at 3pm, go to rehearsal for the reception (I think it must be to practice for the entrance?) and finally the reception at 7pm!  These two sweeties are going to be tuckered out...not to mention the poor pride, who rumor has it, is getting up at 2:30am to start her big day.  God Bless!

Will post pics soon and give you the inside scoop on "A Day in the Life of a Grand Indonesian Wedding!"