Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Long time no write

Trying to find a moment to write down some of my thoughts and experiences.  With Della climbing all over me, it is not easy!  Some errors to correct from my previous blog:  the kids go to STB-ACS International School, the fruit we enjoyed has a different name than I thought (but I can't remember the correct name) and we applied for our Kitas (not Kitsas.)  Speaking of Kitas, what a time getting those.  We had to be driven to the government office, even though it is across the street.  Nobody spoke English and the workers were rather grumpy.  At the end of the application process, the government official pushed four tokens across the table to me.  I thought they were souveniers for the kids.  He motioned to three boxes a couple of feet away and I realized that we were supposed to rate the service we had been given.  I quickly encouraged the children to drop the tokens into the box with the smiley face on it to ensure that we would indeed get our kitas!
Anna and George started school and have been tired from the long days and commute, but otherwise adjusting well.  They are each making friends and Anna's new friends met Mary and Della today and fussed over them and carried them around.  An American teacher introduced himself.  He is from Texas but has lived in Indonesia for 16 years.  He married here and has boys in each of the kid's grades.  Everyone has been very friendly and it seems they even have a Friday morning Bible Study at the school for Mom's.  I really hope I can work that one in.
Indonesia is the land of fried chicken!!!  Thankfully that is one of our favorites.  We have had KFC, Kenny Rogers, traditional Indonesian, A&W and Japanese.  Jim's favorite is A&W, which I did not get to try.  My favorite was from a Japanese restaurant.  It was juicy, crispy and de-boned!  Yeah!  Fried chicken makes up the bulk of every fast food menu, along with a scoop of rice.  I have to say, when you order fries, they are always good too!
We are going to open up a bank account tomorrow.  I hope it is not too complicated!  We are excited to have dinner tomorrow night with a parishoner from Queens.  She was in the states for a couple of years and lives back in Jakarta now.  How cool is that?
I was introduced to a grocery store that sells Dr. Pepper!  I saw many Westerners shopping there and found lots of products from home.  When we move into our apartment and I have a full kitchen, I will be stocking up!!
Jim surprised me yesterday with a bouquet of beautiful purple roses for our Anniversary.  Very sweet.  Unfortunately, he is still not feeling great (tummy trouble.)  Hopefully the end is in sight and it does seem that he has lost a few pounds!
As far as ministry goes, we have been meeting a lot of people and Jim has been spending time with the seminary students.  Lots of meetings to see how things run and to get to know everybody.  People are always dropping of groceries or gifts or checking in to see how we are doing.  It really makes it much easier to adjust to a new country/culture.  Time to get kids to bed...I'll post again soon!  Love to everyone!!


  1. Hey Sis, does jim need me to send him any more canned fish? Maybe that will help his stomach! lol! Glad to hear you found your Dr. Pepper! Thought I might have had to express mail you a case! Well,It sounds like you all are starting to settle in, which is good. Give the kids hugs and kisses from all of us. Love ya, David

  2. Hi Nanci:
    Tell Pastor just because he wanted to lose weight doesn't mean he has to get sick to do it! - Ditto on the Dr. Pepper :) - mmmm - sounds like you have all the important food groups covered ;)- we miss you all so much - church just isn't the same without you but we're very happy for you all and love seeing the unfolding of God's grace in your lives. love and hugs, Donna
