Saturday, August 18, 2012

Safe and Sound

George and Anna could hardly contain themselves as we touched down in Jakarta.  What we had been talking about and preparing for was finally a reality.  I also think they were delirious on three hours of sleep.  Anna's excitement wore off as she decided that Jakarta wasn't like she had imagined.  A couple of tears and then sleep came.  The kids are all still sleeping and hopefully will for another six hours.  I awoke to someone crying and I raced into the kids room.  Everyone was still asleep and yet this constant, high-pitched chant/cry persisted.  I went to the window and was reminded that today is the start of the muslim ramadam holiday.  The mosques are in full swing loud speaker mode and fireworks are going off all night...a very pretty sight.  Tempting to wake the kids, but no.
Thank you for all the prayers!  Our flights went well and the kids were awesome.  The church is a glorious sight here, quite breathtaking in it's enormity.  I haven't explored inside, yet.  We are in temporary student housing for a couple of weeks.  I'll post pictures when I get a chance.  I actually haven't taken any yet.  Where are my picture taking neighbors from Millbrook when you need them?! I need to eat, so I close.  I have some great stories to share about our last 12 hours before leaving the states, but I'll do that next time.  Just wanted to let everyone know that we are fine and the people here are so nice and helpful.  Love to you all!


  1. Glad to hear everyone made it safe and sound. Ah yes, the call from the minarets. Get used to it, since they sound the Call to Prayer five times a day. A missionary friend of mine who spent much of his career in the Middle East, allowed the calls to remind him to pray as a Christian. You may wish to link up with my own blog on Blogger: Love to you all.

  2. Thank God all went well and you are all safe!!!

  3. What! Anna went with you? We had a plan for her to hide and sneak over to our house! Oh well, guess well have to visit Jakarta to see the kids

  4. We are so thankful you arrived safe and sound. Brian and I pray for you all every day. God Bless. Brian & Karen Mead
